This project is titled The Runaway, based off of a rebellious teenager who despises school and the constant pressures from his father. In order to escape from his misery, he decides to act bold and take action by escaping from his house. He then runs off into the distance of the beautiful world outside, making him officially a runaway kid. I hope you all have the same amount of fun watching this as we conveyed with the opening itself is. Without further ado, here is the opening for The Runaway:
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Film Opening - The Runaway
Here it is. We are at the end of the long road that my group and I started on about two months ago as we began the portfolio project. In my last project I already reflected on the process as a whole and what I learned from it, so I’ll spare everyone from more lengthy commentary. The point is, the opening is done. Because of making these posts frequently throughout these weeks, this moment, though, feels monumental. I want to give a quick thanks to my group and anyone else who might have aided me directly (or even indirectly).
This project is titled The Runaway, based off of a rebellious teenager who despises school and the constant pressures from his father. In order to escape from his misery, he decides to act bold and take action by escaping from his house. He then runs off into the distance of the beautiful world outside, making him officially a runaway kid. I hope you all have the same amount of fun watching this as we conveyed with the opening itself is. Without further ado, here is the opening for The Runaway:
This project is titled The Runaway, based off of a rebellious teenager who despises school and the constant pressures from his father. In order to escape from his misery, he decides to act bold and take action by escaping from his house. He then runs off into the distance of the beautiful world outside, making him officially a runaway kid. I hope you all have the same amount of fun watching this as we conveyed with the opening itself is. Without further ado, here is the opening for The Runaway:
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